Pattern: Ribbed Toe-Up Socks

Finished Measurements:
Size 8 foot
Easily adjusts to any foot size with this toe-up method

1 skein On-Line Supersocke 100 4-Ply
Size 0 double pointed needles

K - knit
P - purl
Sl - slip unworked stitch from left needle to right needle
SSK - slip unworked stitch from left needle to right needle knitwise. Slip a second unworked stitch from the left needle to the right needle knitwise. Slip those two unworked stitches separately back to the left needle purlwise. Knit those two stitches together in the back of the stitches (decrease).
K2tog - knit two stitches together (decrease).
Inc - knit into the front and back of the same stitch (increase).

Toe Shaping
Using provisional cast on method, cast on 8 stitches
Round 1: P across
Round 2: K across
Round 3: P across
Round 4: K across

Remove live stitches from scrap yarn and place them on a double pointed needle. You should have 16 sts on two needles. Begin knitting in the round.

Round 5: *K2, Inc, K1 (add a needle) K1, Inc, K2.* Repeat from * to * (20 sts)
Rounds 6-8: Needle 1 - K2, Inc, K across needle
          Needle 2 - K across needle to last 3 sts, Inc, K2
          Needle 3 - K2, Inc, K across needle
          Needle 4 - K across needle to last 3 sts, Inc, K2

Increase until you have 32 sts total (8 sts per needle)

Round 9: K across
Round 10: Needle 1 - K2, Inc, K across needle
        Needle 2 - K across needle to last 3 sts, Inc, K2
        Needle 3 - K2, Inc, K across needle
        Needle 4 - K across needle to last 3 sts, Inc, K2

Repeat Round 9 and Round 10 until you have 80 sts total (20 sts per needle)

Round 11: *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end.

Repeat Round 11 until sock is the length from the toe to the bend of your ankle at the top of your foot.

Heel Flap
Work Needles 3 & 4 ONLY (40 sts)
Leave Needles 1 & 2 unworked for the heel flap

Row 12: Sl1, P3, *K1, P3. Repeat from * to end
Row 13: Sl 1, K2, P1, *K3, P1. Repeat from * to end

Repeat Rows 12 and 13, 9 more times (10 repeats total, 20 rows total)

Heel Shaping
Row 14: Sl1, P19, P2tog, P1, turn (leave remaining stitches unworked)

Row 15: Sl1, K3, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 16: Sl1, P4, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 17: Sl1, K5, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 18: Sl1, P6, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 19: Sl1, K7, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 20: Sl1, P8, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 21: Sl1, K9, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 22: Sl1, P10, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 23: Sl1, K11, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 24: Sl1, P12, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 25: Sl1, K13, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 26: Sl1, P14, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 27: Sl1, K15, K2tog, K1, turn
Row 28: Sl1, P16, P2tog, P1, turn
Row 29: Sl1, K17, K2tog, turn (no unworked stitches remaining)
Row 30: Sl1, P18, P2tog, turn (no unworked stitches remaining)
Row 31: K across 21 remaining stitches
Using a spare needle, pick up 12 sts along the length of the heel flap. Knit across

Work the rib pattern across Needle 1 and Needle 2.

Pick up 12 sts along the other length of the heel flap. Knit across.

Distribute sts along the 4 needles as follows:
Needle 1: 20 sts (keep these as the same sts with the rib pattern)
Needle 2: 20 sts (keep these as the same sts with the rib pattern)
Needle 3: 22 sts
Needle 4: 23 sts

Gusset Shaping (decrease)
Round 32: Needle 1 - work rib pattern
       Needle 2 - work rib pattern
       Needle 3 - K1, SSK, K across until end of needle
       Needle 4 - K across until last 3 sts of needle, SSK, K1

Round 33: Needle 1 - work rib pattern
       Needle 2 - work rib pattern
       Needle 3 - K across
       Needle 4 - K across

Repeat Round 32 and Round 33 until there are 20 sts on each needle (80 sts total)

Work rib pattern on all needles.
Continue working in the round until you reach the desired length.
Bind off using the Icelandic Bind-Off for a stretchy finish. Video tutorial available here.
